About Me

I am a Shemsu-ankh of the Kemetic Orthodox faith, daughter of Khepera, beloved of Djehuty and Serqet-Aset.  I was raised a devout Lutheran, and while I recognize the flaws in how others choose to practice Christianity, I’m still proud to come from a church that believed strongly in community and family.  My mom was Christian, but she supported my religious decisions wholeheartedly, which I am grateful for.  She passed away in 2016 after years of struggling to survive.  I am still mourning her loss.

I am a 34 year old mother to a daughter of thirteen and a niece of nine.  I love the stars, the moon, the color purple, and the rising and setting of the sun.  My list of favorite books would be endless because I can never choose just one thing, but if I were to recommend one book that everyone should read it would be Palimpsest by Catherynne Valente.

I graduated from the University of South Florida several years ago with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and Psychology.  I once desired to work with victims of domestic abuse.  The gods had other plans for me though – I earned a teaching certification in 2015.  I am currently working as a Language Arts teacher at an ESE school that serves the EBD population while slogging my way through a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction.

I believe in love and life, and wish to have both and keep them, though I have a tendency to destroy anything that comes close to resembling either.  Like most things in life, I’m a work in progress.


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