Khepera, my Father

I am in the process of translating what may be the only book in existence that focuses specifically on my Father, Lord of the Rising Sun.  This book happens to be in German.

I have charged myself with the task of deciphering this text this year.  Expect to be part of my journey as I slowly begin to update and change this space in His honor.

Sun-run, meaning the apparent course of the sun around the Earth, was a cosmic phenomenon, and interpreted on the basis of natural observations and represented in word and picture.  The course of the sun, with its changing manifestations, has been divided into three phases of the day since the Pyramid Texts (Pyr 1695a) – namely Khepri on rising, Re as the zenith (i.e. crossing the sky in his day barque), and Atum when entering the western horizon in the evening.”





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