Writing Community Recommendation!

This isn’t specifically related to Netjer – but I would like to recommend a writing community that I have been a part of for a few months.  Writing is my one creative hobby (one I feel that I do sort of well at least!) and I give thanks to Djehuty for it all the time, and I generally think that it is a gift from Him, and part of why He is in my life.  For the longest time, I gave up on writing.  I was depressed, unmotivated, and very self-conscious.  Meket urged me to join a writing community that she discovered, and it has done wonders for me.  I’m inspired and motivated by the challenges it provides, and I have found a community of other writers that share my passion and interests.  It’s been really great for my self-esteem as well. 

So!  If there are people out there that like to write and find themselves faced with mental blocks, or a lack of inspiration in general, I’d like to recommend this community to you!  It is a part of Livejournal – so you will need to have an account there (it’s easy to create one!).  You can find the Rules and FAQ here and you can find the application form here.  If you do choose to apply, let them know that Eska818 sent you! 🙂

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